Romans 14
Romans 14
It appears that Paul is attempting to pacify some of the infighting and arguing that was going on in the early Roman church. According to verses 5 and 6 of the same chapter it sounds as if the members of that particular body were arguing over matters such as the sabbath day, “Christian diets”, and abstinence. All things that may pertain to the life of a believer..
Have you ever asked God to highlight a portion of scripture for you and He highlights the one verse that you did not want to see? Deep down there is a part of me that knows that there are multiple areas I need to see growth in. Romans 14:3 is one of them. The sad part is, I am not even one of great faith “who eats everything”. Ha! This passage is intended to instruct Christians on how to deal with one another in areas of their faith based living. But I feel led to apply this principle to areas of my life which do not necessarily require faith. For, I am still guilty of treating others with anger. Inside my heart.To justify my annoyance.To give depth to my anger.Because my way is clearly the more mature way! Paul urges us in verse 13, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.” (NIV)
Life Application
I certainly don’t want to operate from a perspective of anger and contempt. I wonder how different the global church would be if we took some of the edge off of our tones and our hearts when we disagreed with one another. Whether the issue was theological or faith based. Lord help me to deal with my brothers and sisters in Christ as one who does not want them to stumble. May my words and my actions towards members of the body have zero judgement, less anger, and embody love.May I carry that way of thought into how I interact with non-believers.May I operate that way even in the most mundane of ways as I live and walk daily to further your message of love on this earth and beyond. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.-kenneth lee