Song of Songs 6
Song of Songs 6:3
"I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he browses among the lilies.”
Observation-What does it say?
The Song of Songs (aka Song of Solomon) is a celebration of love between a husband and wife, most specifically King Solomon with a Shulamite woman. It is a beautiful picture of marriage, where a husband and wife love each other physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Understanding-What does it mean?
The marriage relationship between King Solomon (aka lover) and his Shulamite wife (beloved) is a direct picture of how Christ loves us, His church, His bride.
Life Application
I am Christ’s beloved and Christ is mine.
Even as a married woman, some parts of the Song of Songs makes me blush because of the written account of the intensity of the love relationship between the lover and his beloved. However, that is the purest form of love there is within the context of marriage.
In parallel, Christ’s relationship with us, His bride, is the most intense and relentless love story there is. God loved us to the point of leaving His throne in Heaven to die so that He could have a relationship with us.
Just as we are to protect the sanctity (or purity/holiness) of our marriages, we must continue to live in the truth of God’s deep love for us and protect it against the enemy’s attempts to destroy it. Living in the purity of God’s love is what changes people. It’s what changed me.
-Michelle Gaddi
References: and (Matthew Henry commentary-Song of Solomon 6)