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Scripture  2 Corinthians 8:20-21  taking precaution so that no one will discredit us in our administration of this generous gift; for we have regard for what is honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.  Observation-What does it say?  In chapters 8 and 9, Paul discusses generosity with the church in Corinth.  Specifically, he was addressing the collection of money for Christians in distress.  For this task, he left Titus in charge. In part, he did this to avoid any appearance of mishandling the money or embezzlement.  He goes on to point out that we are to serve others, so they can see God’s love through our service.   Understanding-What does it mean?  It may be a little late to talk about Christmas, but a movie that I can watch all year is It’s a Wonderful Life.  I don’t know if it’s the way Jimmy Stewart’s voice lingers as he contemplates all the different scenarios he finds himself in, or the idea of a simpler time.  Regardless of the little nuances of the classic film, it is really the character of George Bailey that draws me in every time. George was a generous man, always giving and never asking in return.  This part of his character is what drew people to come to depend on him and love him so dearly.   All too often, I think we get the perspective of George Bailey though.  We see our position as one without hope, especially when it comes to giving.  I know that I have believed the lie that my generosity will be of little help.  I fall into the belief that I can do no good, because what I have to give is small.  But even the smallest gifts, when given with the right intention, can have a big impact.  Jesus pointed out the offering of the widow, her last mite, was a bigger gift than the ones who gave out of their abundance (Luke 21:1-4). Sometimes, we are called to be generous in the worst situations, when we feel as though we will not make it.  In these times, we are reminded that God provides (Matthew 6:25-34). It may be, in the times that feel the most vulnerable and least secure, that our generosity can have the biggest voice.  Paul reminds us, in the book or Romans, that unless we are willing to share God’s love, people will not hear the message of hope (Romans 10:14-15).
Life Application:  Jesus, help me to find myself in situations where I can be generous.  Even more, give me the boldness to share the gospel at these times. When I am scared, help me to trust in you and your provision.  Help us to find your peace, no matter the chaos going on around me.
-Tyler Galloway

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2 Corinthians 7