Isaiah 24:1-3 NLT
“Look! The Lord is about to destroy the earth and make it a vast wasteland. He devastates the surface of the earth and scatters the people. Priests and laypeople, servants and masters, maids and mistresses, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, bankers and debtors—none will be spared. The earth will be completely emptied and looted. The Lord has spoken!”
Observation-What does it say?
All whose treasures and happiness are laid up on earth, will soon be brought to want and misery. Sin has turned the earth upside down; the earth has become quite different to man, from what it was when God first made it to be his habitation. The world we live in is a world of disappointment, a vale of tears; the children of men in it are but of few days, and full of trouble, See the power of God's curse, how it makes all empty, and lays waste all ranks and conditions. Sin brings these calamities upon the earth; it is polluted by the sins of men, therefore it is made desolate by God's judgments. Carnal joy will soon be at end, and the end of it is heaviness. Let men learn to mourn for sin, and rejoice in God; then no man, no event, can take their joy from them.-(Matthew Henry’s Commentary)
Understanding-What does it mean?
The time to repent from our sin and turn back to God is now!
I sound like one of those guys preaching with a megaphone on some street corner when I say that, but it is so true...especially in the time we are living in now! No government or economy is exempt from this pandemic we are facing right now. You see people being scattered and isolated from one another-(vs. 1). You see hundreds of people dying, and this pandemic is only going on for 3 weeks! If we are to learn anything from the history of the Bible, you see that man's wickedness awakens God’s wrath. The solution is quite simple: Turn away from our sin, and reach out to God. For believers, we need to stand in the gap for our fellow man, and pray for forgiveness, and repentance. We need to pray for this world’s salvation. For unbelievers, it’s time to put your faith in Jesus Christ. For it is only through our faith in Him that we are saved. The Bible tells us that God doesn’t want to see anyone go to Hell. He did everything possible for that not to happen-(see John 3:16). Some may think “Why would God let this happen?!” I see it as an opportunity, before it’s too late to accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation. Isn’t it time we wake up as a people, and put our faith and trust in Him?
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”-2 Chronicles 7:14
Life Application
Take advantage of this opportunity God has given you.
Some people are panicking. Some people lost their jobs. Some people are in need of supplies. Some people are sick and are in need of help. Some people just need a little light in their dark situation. “Calling my brothers and sisters in Christ!” Will you answer this call and opportunity that God has given us to be a light for those in need? Remember: “Good deeds leads to good will that leads to the Good News”-some wise old guy from DSC. 😉
-Moses Gaddi