Scripture: Proverbs 10:22 It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich,
And He adds no sorrow to it.
Observation: As evidenced by the first verse, this Proverb is written by King Solomon. Through the next 12 chapters, Solomon gives a laundry list of contrasts of righteousness and wickedness. “Each proverb is complete in itself, though some are linked by words or themes into series. They reveal sound psychology and accurate observation of life. They demonstrate the outworking of wisdom and folly in the practical business of living”(Alexander, P. & Alexander, D.). Without giving the reader strict rules for life, Solomon gives us something that is a little more general, which can be applied to all of life’s circumstances and still point us directly to God.
Understanding: My boys like the Star Wars movies. Well really anything related to Star Wars, especially the Lego Star Wars. And being that I really can’t stand the movie franchise, it’s as if I am being tortured all the time. At some point or another, I have a kid asking me about different make-believe characters, planets, weapons, animals... it’s really never ending. Not to say they aren’t good stories, I just prefer to have my fantasies be a little more down to earth (no pun intended) and believable. So I have tried to get my boys into westerns.
One of the aspects of the movies, as a franchise, that gets to me is the repetition of the same plot. The world is going bad, they look to this tiny group of zealots for a hero, a hero emerges and the world is saved. Temporarily. Eventually, the bad finds a way and they have to find a new hero. They could make the same three movies over and over and over again and people will still watch them, no matter how predictable they are.
When we experience a crisis, humans react in the same way. Something unexpected arises and we lose faith in humanity. I mean, I still can’t find any toilet paper. But, God has been calling to us from the beginning, letting us know that he has always been the hope we need. When we seek him for that hope, He makes us rich in ways we cannot even imagine and he does not dissapoint. As the verse states, he does it without sorrow.
God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27), so we owe it to ourselves to discover the goodness that comes in looking to Him for our hope. Even though that may require some effort on our part. We know from scripture that the effort will not leave us empty. Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever. Psalm 146:5-6
Life Application: Jesus, You are my hope and my salvation. Even though the world seems to be falling apart around me, I know You have been there from the beginning. You are the same hope from yesterday and will be tomorrow, I don’t have to look for a new one. Your plans are secure.