Ephesians 5:1-2
Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Paul is writing to the church of Ephesus, continuing his exhortations from the previous chapter.
Much of what Paul shares throughout Ephesians is a call to unity in response to newly converted Jews who often separated themselves from their Gentile brethren.
It does not say, “Think about God” or “Admire God” or “Adore God,” though those are all important Christian duties. This is a call to practical action, going beyond our inner life with God. [https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/ephesians-5/]
Therefore, our measure of what it is to live a holy life is not one that brings into account what the society of today, cultural norms or what our neighbor or best friends says is ok…our standard is Jesus. And Jesus’ greatest example was a life of love; that love took the form of healing, praying, providing food, welcoming the outcast, encouraging the downtrodden, extending grace, forgiveness, teaching, etc.
Life Application:
Put simply, go love on somebody! There are many opportunities to do so – even while meeting social distancing requirements. May we imitate the one who created us, the one who loved us first and share that love with those we know and those we meet.
And, if you feel like you’ve got nothing to give, spend some time in worship and gratitude (vs. 19-20) and watch how God will lighten your burden and perhaps reveal someone who may need that love most and/or a way to show that love with what you do have.