Scripture: Proverbs 25:21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; For you will heap burning coals on his head, And the Lord will reward you. Observation: Proverbs 25-29 were Proverbs of Solomon, though they were transcribed during the reign of Hezekiah, king of Judah. Hezekiah was the son of Ahaz, who had not been faithful to follow God’s commands. During Hezekiah’s reign, he directed Judah and Israel back to the practices of worship in the temple. “Hezekiah did all he could to reinstate the pure worship of God. He organized instruction in the laws of the Torah throughout the country, and he restored the daily services of the Holy Temple in all its splendor”( It is apparent he was interested in the people of Judah and Israel acting in a way that would honor God. He wanted to step away from the worship of idols that had become so commonplace during his father’s reign. Understanding: When I was in the police academy, I was immersed into a new way of life. I did many things, like shaving my head, which I would have never done before. I endured vigorous training and harsh criticism all with the goal of becoming a new person, a special member of society. It was drilled into my head that I was going to be held to a higher standard of life, and that my life would be scrutinized by others, all because of a profession I chose. It was all done for good reason, since the social contract in which we live relies on the trust placed in the integrity of those in charge. Therefore, I had to look and act in a way that was without reproach. Obviously, not all people who become police officers live up to this standard. The media lets us know this in no uncertain terms and would have you believe that all of those in authority are corrupt. When we profess Jesus as Lord, we take on a similar transition. Though in Christ, we are called to even more exacting standards than a police officer. Jesus makes this clear when he told his followers to pluck out your eye if it makes you stumble (Matthew 5:29). The Apostle Paul expounds on this saying of Solomon in Romans 12, where he discusses dedicated service to others. In Romans, Paul discusses a similar transformation to a police academy, where we are to shun the ways of the world. Through the renewing of our minds, we can serve others fully with humility. And we are challenged to treat others with kindness in the face of adversity. Life Application: Jesus, help me to have patience with others like you are patient with me. When I find myself frustrated with the world encroaching on my “rights,” help me to remember the life you gave up to save mine. Help me to imitate your humility and your attitude of grace to others. And if you call me to be uncomfortable for your cause, help me to accept that with thanksgiving.
-Tyler Galloway
-Tyler Galloway