

Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains    are the feet of those who bring good news,who proclaim peace,    who bring good tidings,    who proclaim salvation,who say to Zion,    “Your God reigns!” Observation:This chapter starts with a call to wake up to the Lord’s redemption of Zion, then a vindication of His name for those who had blasphemed his name. Understanding:We are a called people, a redeemed people. Called to “proclaim peace,” even in the chaos.Called to “bring good tidings,” even in a time where there is a lot of doomsday talk.Called to “proclaim salvation” to those who may be lost.Called to praise and worship, our God who reigns!Life Application: Our calling comes with some action steps.  May we be conscious of that today and be on mission!So what does that look like?  I think it is sharing God’s love through bringing peace through prayer, through kindness, through the tones of our voices, through being a listening ear. Bringing good tidings through encouragement and positive news.  Proclaim salvation by sharing the good news of God’s love and desired redemption of hearts towards him.…and all of that sounds an awful lot like love.  So, put simply, go love on somebody today! <3Rei


Luke 15


Isaiah 51