Psalm 24



Psalm 24:1-2 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.


Observation-What does it say?


This is a Psalm of David. It was possibly written as a processional song for when the Ark was first carried into Jerusalem. It begs the question of who is worthy to be in the presence of God. If it weren’t for the covenant that God made with his people, and the eventual sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, no one would be.


Understanding-What does it mean?


The other day, as I was getting ready for work, I began to feel overwhelmed with the week to come. I began to think about some of the other stressors that accompany my job, the jockeying and striving for recognition, the constant pull to fit in, as well as making sure I do my job within the policies laid out for me (even the ones I don’t agree with). In a rare moment of clarity, I knew I needed to lean on God’s strength instead of my own. I stopped my family and prayed for peace and strength for the upcoming week.


After praying, I was able to reflect on some of my past failures. Or at least what I took as failures. Jobs that I applied and didn’t get, auxiliary assignments that I was denied, and transfers that did not go through. As I was doing this, I was also listening to a sermon pod-cast, and encountered what I like to call God’s sense of humor. The pastor was speaking about Paul during one of his missionary trips. In Acts 16:6-10, we encounter the story of Paul trying, and being denied by the spirit, to go to Asia and Bithynia to share the good news of Jesus. However, he then received a very clear message from God to go to Macedonia, which was the first missionary journey into Europe. This was the jumping point for Paul to go to Rome.


The pastor aptly pointed out that, often times, a “no” from God will lead to an even bigger “YES!” On that day, God showed me His peace by shedding light on the fact that he is ultimately in control. When I trust in His wisdom, he will ultimately guide me to what His will is. So when I look back on my “failures,” I can see the “no’s” that I was hearing as God leading me to a bigger yes.


Life Application:


Jesus help me to trust in you everyday. As you taught the disciples how to pray, “Your kingdom come, and Your will be done,” let me learn to pray this earnestly. Help me to trust that you have plans for me to prosper, as you tell me in Jeremiah 29:11. I know that if I seek to bring You glory, You will work things out for good (Romans 8:28).


-Tyler Galloway


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Psalm 23