Scripture - What stood out?
Jeremiah 25:37 The peaceful meadows will be laid waste because of the fierce anger of the Lord.Observation - What does it say?Jeremiah is explaining to the various nations what is about to happen to them because they have not listened to God. It's not very pleasant sounding. This is a chapter that highlights God’s wrath and His fierce anger.Understanding - What does it mean?A God of fierce anger...Is a tough pill to swallow for many of us Christians. We find it hard to imagine because we have seen what fierce anger, we have seen what wrath looks like and it is not pretty. We can’t imagine a just, merciful, loving God inflicting horrible pain and/or passing judgement on people. (See the book of Job)May I encourage you however with the wise words of a pastor who has taught me a thing or two about God of both the old and new testament. He taught me that God is an infinitely powerful, all-knowing being without a speck of evil in Him.The wrath, the fierce anger that you and I have seen and relate to is predominantly based on our experiences with people- with people of anger. But that is not God’s wrath and that is not God’s anger. (See the book of Job again) Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?I propose that God’s anger is actually perfect. Because God is perfect. His love is pure. His anger is pure. The closest thing I have experienced to God’s perfect anger is getting disciplined by my father growing up. I was punished (it always hurt). The reason for my punishment was explained to me. But then my dad would always end those sessions with a hug and a kiss, sometimes there were tears in his eyes as he explained it hurt him to discipline me, and he tried his hardest to communicate his love for me.As you read about the God of wrath in the old testament I pray that you would be open to that same God of love. That perhaps His ways aren’t your ways. And that even in His judgement and discipline there are things to learn from an all-knowing, all-powerful God that is always good.
May I never stop believing and trusting in your ways O Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen.
-kenneth lee