Psalm 52
Psalm 52:8
I find it interesting that David chose an olive tree to depict himself in this verse. Traditionally in the Bible, and olive tree or branch depicts peace and comfort. I mean if we take a look at David’s ;life it was everything but peaceful, yet this is the tree that he chooses to be in the house of God. And not just simply there and present, but flourishing. I think this offers a very important idea: when we chose to flourish (not just exist) in the house of God we experience a peace unlike any other. It seem like a bit of a stretch for the meaning of this verse, but I think it is important to really talk about the very thing that we starved for right now: peace.
Life Application
So what can flourishing in the house of God look like?
- Reading His word
- Journaling/meditating on His word
- Praying daily
- Taking time to be thankful for what God has already given you
- Worshipping Him
The list is endless, so let the flourishing begin!