Psalm 52


Psalm 52:8

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.


David warns against those who boast of evil, by informing those listening what God does with such people. He then reinforces His love for God by speaking of His unfailing love and grace to those whom God calls His own.


I find it interesting that David chose an olive tree to depict himself in this verse. Traditionally in the Bible, and olive tree or branch depicts peace and comfort. I mean if we take a look at David’s ;life it was everything but peaceful, yet this is the tree that he chooses to be in the house of God. And not just simply there and present, but flourishing. I think this offers a very important idea: when we chose to flourish (not just exist) in the house of God we experience a peace unlike any other. It seem like a bit of a stretch for the meaning of this verse, but I think it is important to really talk about the very thing that we starved for right now: peace.

David offers an Idea that it comes form trusting in God’s unfailing love. So I think that’s exactly where we should start, even if that isn’t the answer that we want to hear. Trust leads to peace, and to truly trust we must flourish in the presence of God. Again I want to stress, we need to flourish in the presence of God, rather than just sitting in it and making God do all the work of speaking to us and calming our every insecurity.

Life Application

So what can flourishing in the house of God look like?

  • Reading His word
  • Journaling/meditating on His word
  • Praying daily
  • Taking time to be thankful for what God has already given you
  • Worshipping Him

The list is endless, so let the flourishing begin!

-Allison Khan


