John 14
- He will prepare a place for them in Heaven.
- They will do even greater things than He did.
- He will send His Holy Spirit to teach them, remind them, be with them and empower them in His name.
- The devil (prince of this world) has no hold over Jesus and Jesus leaves with them His peace, not the world’s peace. Jesus also told them why the devil must come-so that the world would learn that He loves the Father and does exactly what the Father has commanded Him to do. (Without evil, we cannot recognize good. We need the darkness in order to see the light.)
Life Application
Jesus’ legacy lives on through us, since we are His children/disciples.
This past month, I’ve been grieving over the death of my Grandma, who passed away on July 21st. Actually, tomorrow, we will be sealing her urn in a wall in a memorial park. Tomorrow is also her birthday and she would’ve turned 92.
Besides grieving with my family, death has made me think a lot about legacy...Grandma’s legacy of faith, 63 years of marriage, family and music, and the legacy that I want to leave behind for my kids and the generations after me. As Jesus was speaking to His disciples to encourage and comfort them because of His upcoming physical death from this world, His words were basically a passing on of His legacy on to them.
If you are a Christ follower reading this, how would you rate yourself regarding continuing the legacy that Jesus left behind for us? Even in a difficult season of life, are we living like victims of this world or conquerors through Christ? Do we truly believe that we could do greater works than He did through the Holy Spirit living in us? Remember, the enemy has no hold over Jesus, so that means he should have no hold over us either. The life Jesus lived on earth lives on through us.
Dear Lord, help us to fully believe and live out the legacy You have left behind for us, with the help of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi