John 20:3-6
A lot goes down in this chapter, so here’s the main highlights to know:
- Mary Magdalene comes to Jesus’ tomb to pay her respects, but sees that the stone is rolled away
- She tells some of the disciples that Jesus’ body has been moved, and they go look for themselves
- Jesus then appears to Mary Magdalene, and tells her to go and tell the others
- He then appears to His disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit
- He pays a visit to Thomas to make him believe
- John tells us that this is the reason that this book was written, to help others believe that Jesus is the Messiah
So I used to pass over this part of the story because I wanted to get to “the good stuff.” That is, Jesus appearing to HIs close friends and followers, and showing them that He’s not dead and all that jazz. But upon reading these verses today I had to stop. For a couple reasons… One: I’m really competitive and could identify with this race to the grave. Two: the other disciple stops just before the reason he was running. I know that I am about to take these verses out of context, but I think the disciples offer a really important lesson to learn.
Don’t stop at the entrance of your destination because you are too afraid to go inside.
Think about it. The other disciple could have been the first to see that Jesus wasn’t there. Not just the stone rolled away, not just the linens, the whole body: gone. Instead he stops and Peter rushes in. Now I don’t know what was going through the other disciple’s head. I don’t know if he was nervous that he might find Jesus’ body or he was worried about the smell. Regardless, this guy missed out!
Life Application
I want to be someone who is known for finishing every spiritual race I run with pride. I don’t want to stop right at the finish line because I’m afraid the medal may not be everything I expected. Here is something I do know: God loves to exceed every expectation that I may have. That seems scary, but it also gives me the courage to take a look inside the tomb. I hope you feel the same way. Let’s stop and take hold of our destiny, and get back to running fervently and to win.
1 Corinthians 9:24
Do you not know that in a a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way to as to get the prize.