Psalm 107


Psalm 107: 13-14

Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.


This psalmist begins the chapter by saying that we should give thanks to Lord because of His goodness and mercy. Then they go into detail about different accounts of people who experienced the goodness of God. They talk about prisoners suffering in chains, yet when they called God answered, and more than that He broke away their chains.


God answers us every single time.

I have always said that the love of God is so great because it has a response. God didn’t just say “I love you and want what is best for you,” instead he modeled what He wanted for us, and He then had His son pay the ultimate price for us. I think these verses solidify that notion. When we cry out to God, not matter what we have done, He does this amazing thing: HE ANSWERS! More than just that too, He breaks the shackles that bounded us to our sin. That’s the picture I got when I read this today, the chains breaking off, the clang as they hit the ground, and the realization of the fact that you are free! But here’s where I stopped today:

What then is my response?

I have been set free, not just to be imprisoned again. Don’t get me wrong, there are times that I still make mistakes and cry out for forgiveness (and God answers), but that shouldn’t be what I fall back on. I should be living a life free forever! Also, I should be trying to take as many “prisoners” with me as possible. I understand that I can’t break their chains for them, only God can do that, but I can remind others that God is so real! He is someone who longs to answer when we call. In fact, He eagerly awaits to break our chains, all we have to do is cry out.

Life Application

So how exactly do we live a life worthy of being set free? It is already laid out for us in Jesus’ life, all we have to do is try our best to live like Christ in everything that we do. I know it seems daunting, but here is the good news: if we find ourselves in distress all we have to do is call on God. He answers, maybe not in the way we expect, but nonetheless every time. So rid of your shackles because victory is ours!

-Allison Khan



Psalm 106