Matthew 26:13
“I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”
Observation-What does it say?
Jesus is in Bethany. He is having dinner at a man named Simon’s house. Then a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume and poured it over Jesus’ head. The disciples were baffled with this action. Why would she waste such an expensive item for that?! The disciples thought she could have at least sold the item for lots of money, then gave the money to the poor. But Jesus told his disciples not to criticize her. This woman had done a beautiful thing for him. Jesus tells his disciples that wherever the gospel is preached in the world, that this woman’s story will be told as well.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Put value in the right things.
This woman gave up something very valuable and gave it to Jesus. Scholars believe the worth of the alabaster jar of perfume she anointed Jesus with was worth about a year’s wages! And this woman didn’t even think twice about using it! It takes true devotion and selflessness to do something like that. But that just shows you how much Jesus means to her. She probably spent her life savings on it and was planning on using it on the day she was to be buried. But instead she gives it freely to Jesus. Wow! I think it would be difficult for anyone to do something like that today. In the world we live in now, the value or cost of something can often times overshadow or distort the moral or meaning of something. The question is, what am I putting my values in?
Life Application
How much does Jesus mean to me? much does Jesus mean to me? Am I willing to honor Jesus with everything I have? Am I willing to look foolish to others around me because of the love I want to show Jesus? Will my story be told for generations to come because of my devotion to Jesus? 🤔 Something to ponder on as we go out in the world today.
-Moses Gaddi