Proverbs 27: 15-16-15 A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm; 16 restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand.
Observation and Understanding-What does it say and mean?
A quarrelsome wife is torture for a husband.
We had a huge thunder rainstorm yesterday, so the leaky roof analogy that King Solomon speaks about in parallel to a quarrelsome wife, is very relevant for today. I also like his parallel to restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand. Basically, he’s saying that it’s impossible to restrain a quarrelsome wife.
Life Application
Women, we need to give our men a break.
There was a period of time where I was being really mean to my husband and it was due to a combination of things, to the point where I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit tell me that he was not trying to hurt me, but rather help me, so I need to go easier on him.
Sometimes we need to practice more self control and submission in order for our partnership to work the way God had intended it to work. We are called to move together as one in flesh and one in Christ. The more we push our own agendas and want to live independently, instead of interdependently, the harder it will be for our marriage to work. Besides Christ, our spouse is our #1 human relationship, so let us not live as enemies living in the same home, but rather allies and partners in Christ.
Dear Lord, I pray over marriages and specifically I pray for my sisters in Christ who are wives just like me. I pray we would work with our spouses as one flesh and love, honor, respect and listen to them more than we quarrel with them. I also pray for marriages that are struggling right now because of other behind the scenes issues. May we continue to put You first Jesus, continue to honor our vows and enjoy a marriage that is thriving, instead of just surviving. Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi