Proverbs 31:2 NIV
“Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!”
Observation-What does it say?
King Lemuel shares wisdom his mom gave him regarding his role as king. The first 7 verses, she gives advice on ways to protect his role as king. Verses 8-9, she speaks on how to treat the people, especially the poor, needy and those who cannot speak up for themselves. However, a bulk of this chapter, Verses 10-31, his mom gives him advice on the type of woman he should look out for to take as his wife, a wife of virtue and noble character.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Listen to the advice of those who love us, protect us and want the best for us, such as our parents, spouses and/or spiritual parents/mentors. God gave them to us for a reason.
King Lemuel’s mom is protective of her son as evidenced by the advice she gives him in this chapter. She wants to protect his professional life, but most importantly, his personal life. King Lemuel’s life as a king, which is a public influential figure and I’m sure attached with many riches, can be ruined by the wrong choice in wife. Therefore, the wife he chooses needs to be trustworthy, a hard worker, loving and a servant to the people, a good manager of the home, worthy of respect and wise. Most importantly, she must fear the Lord. He cannot only look for the most charming and beautiful woman, because that is fleeting and deceptive. All those GOOD character traits are the fruits of being a Godly woman.
Life Application
Seek to be a Godly woman (or man) and attract the same in the process.
What I find interesting about this chapter is that it not only describes what a good woman is like. Many of those traits are equally important for the male as well. The King has to be trustworthy. He has to be loving, a servant to the people, a good manager of the home, wise, worthy of respect and most importantly have fear and respect for the Lord, allowing the Lord to tell him how to lead as king and lead his family. I hear many singles (and I admit I did this myself as a single person before growing up a little), have a list of the type of person they want to marry; however, they don’t look at themselves to see if they are the type of person someone else would want to marry. I truly believe we should be the person we want to attract. I’m not talking about having the same likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. Our differences are what make us unique. Our focus must be on the most important things which matter, which is our character and relationship with Jesus. Also, for marrieds like myself, this doesn’t end after the ring is on the finger. It continues afterwards as well.
Dear Lord, whether we are single, engaged or married, I pray that we would be and continue to be the type of person our future and current mates would want and the type of person our friends would be refreshed to be around. I pray we would be men and women of godly character whose substance doesn’t only go as far as outward appearance, but one who is trustworthy, faithful, hard working, loving, a servant to people, a good manager of our home and finances, wise and worthy of respect. Help us Holy Spirit to live our lives in pursuit of Your fruits as we seek You first in everything we do. Amen.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” Proverbs 31:30-31 NIV
-Michelle Gaddi