
Scripture - What stood out?Psalm 8:4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them? Observation - What does it say?A psalm of David. Understanding - What does it mean?Desert streams church was the first church to ask me about my posture and position towards God. And I believe it is because my church demands that I grow in my relationship with the Lord, that I am better able to understand those concepts.What I have been contemplating for the past week however is a different p word, perspective.I know there are books about laws of attraction etc etc, but I am going to attribute this one to the laws of the Holy Spirit working on me. I have really been chewing on this idea of how a person views life and the world is so important. My life changed drastically once I embraced Jesus as my Lord. And I embraced my view on life that God is great, and I am not. I think about the people I am surrounded by, filled with chaos and anger in their hearts. I think about all the hurting and hostile people out there who have not accepted Jesus in their lives and I can only pity them. It was only when I embraced this perspective, when I embraced that I would look at life from the vantage point of a mere mortal in relation to a perfect and perfectly loving God, that I began to transform. And the lack of peace in my heart was replaced with the fullness of peace that to this day I can still only describe as a supernatural one. Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?Lord, how amazing Psalm 8 is. What a great reminder of the true pecking order of our lives. My prayer Lord is that you would help me to gain greater insight into this way of living and thinking. Of thinking about you as the majestic ruler of all. For my life application Lord I choose to pray for our political leaders, regardless of their socio-ideological beliefs. I will pray for them with the perspective we are all Your children and that you wish to save not some but all. In the name of Jesus, amen. -kenneth lee 

Micah 6

