Scripture - What stood out?Psalm 13:5But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation. Observation - What does it say?This psalm begins with these words in verse 1 “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?” And it sets this despondent depressed tone for much of this 6 verse psalm until in verse 5 David changes course and takes a firm leap of faith - and trusts in God’s unfailing love. Understanding - What does it mean?I had a moment last week though that triggered in my memory as I read verse 5. I had just finished royally screwing up my part during a live-stream sunday service, so I’m beating myself up and as I finished apologizing to my pastor, I stepped outside and was greeted by the most glorious breeze of my life. I stood there just trying my best to absorb and feel every bit of gentle wind on my face and body. And I remember taking a breath and just appreciating God. And I just knew things were going to be okay. I still offered my pastor to exchange interns later on that week but much of the sting of my failure was gone and (it didn’t hurt that my pastor adamantly refused such an exchange!). What a difference it makes once we shift in God’s direction. The pastors at desert streams church are constantly talking about our posture towards God. What position are you in? Are you ready to receive all that God is trying to offer you? How are you positioning yourself in relation to God? I believe that king David begins this psalm filled with melancholy and doubt. By verse 5 however he has found his breath of fresh air and he changes his spiritual course, his attitude, his position, his posture. He resolves to trust in God’s unfailing love. Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today? Day 18 in pastor and author Gary Khan’s devotional Reset asks us to head to city hall with a few fellow believers and pray for our administrators. He even suggests to write to our city’s mayor with encouraging life giving words. I already know how mine will begin, “You are a democrat and I am a christian. We live in the same city and for some reason God has chosen to put you in a leadership position over me. Why I am not sure. But of this I am - God’s love for you and myself is unfailing….” May i finish that letter today Lord. And may my words to our city’s leadership be like you were for me just over a week ago, a breath of fresh air. In the name of Jesus do I pray. Amen. -kenneth lee