1 Thessalonians__5
Scripture - What stood out?1 Thessalonians 5
12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Observation - What does it say?The apostle Paul having founded the church in Thessalonica continues to instruct them from afar in this letter. Understanding - What does it mean?It has been a rough month of fasting to start off 2021. Which is odd considering 2019 and 2020 were amazing months of fasting. I think it’s safe to say I limped out of 2020 and I limped into 2021 lacking the impetus that I had had in the previous 2 years. And so it goes without saying that I am glad that every Wednesday night and every Sunday morning I have had the opportunity to engage in something that points me back to God. Over the past few years as I have observed the pastoral team and the church staff I am amazed at the level of energy and consistency everyone brings to their position on such a consistent basis. (I will admit I that if I ever transition into full time ministry I will mourn the loss of my sick days.)I have had the opportunity over the past several year to see a lot of the behind the scenes work that goes into moving Jesus’s mission forward. I have seen a lot of the sacrifices that are made to move the mission forward. The above verse is a good reminder. In my times of spiritual weakness I have turned to various leaders within our church to keep my grounded. I can turn on worship Wednesday and Sunday morning service without fail. I can reach out to elders and request prayer whenever I need it and I know it will be done. The list goes on and on. Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?On day 25 in pastor and author Gary Khan’s devotional Reset, he asks us to reflect on who God has “placed over us in the Lord”. To reflect on some of those names and reach out and encourage, possibly even treat to dinner (deliver food for them> then request the person zoom you as they eat their food). When I am down and out spiritually and sometimes even emotionally these are the people I turn to. They work tirelessly in the background making sacrifices that most of us will never know about. They have taken our spiritual growth and placed it squarely on their shoulders. And as they strive towards deeper relationship with God, they take us along for the ride as well. Today I will bless those who work so hard to bless everyone else around them.