
Scripture - What stood out?Romans 1
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. Observation - What does it say?In chapter one of Romans, Paul introduces himself and expresses his desire to go and visit the church. The second half of this letter is Paul’s description of what it means to be “unrighteous” in relation to God. Understanding - What does it mean?The phrase that really stood out to me was the second half verse 25, …”and served the creature rather than the Creator…” It just made me feel sheepish immediately. Like, yikes that’s a pretty major oversight. I ended up reading both verses several times because I felt like it gave such insight into the human condition. Hearts of impurity. Dishonoring our bodies. Worshipping creature over creator. All are results of believing a lie instead of God’s truth.  I have just begun to scratch the surface in understanding how important truth is. In the 90’s the tv show the X-Files gave me a nudge towards the truth, just not in any biblical sense. Decades later I found that I didn’t have to look very far at all. God’s truth was here all along. I had lost so much time worshipping and serving creature rather than Creator. Because I refused to exchange - i refused to let go of my lie - in exchange for God’s truth.  Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?Lord I pray for all who are lost in deception. May they see Your truth today. Right now. I am a follower of yours already but I pray that you reveal to me an area of my life where I am serving creature rather than Creator. Expose this lie to the light of Your truth. Help me to make the exchange. And by Your Truth may I continue to be set free. In the name of Jesus do I pray. Amen. -kenneth lee 



Psalm 22