ScriptureRomans 3:3-43 What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? 4 Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. Observation - What does it say?The Apostle Paul pointed to a popular argument at the time: The unfaithfulness of God’s people must point to the fact that God himself is unfaithful. He argues that God is not a reflection of his unfaithful followers! Even if every human being is unfaithful, sinful, and a liar, it doesn’t take away from the fact that God is completely faithful, holy and true. Understanding - What does it mean?You cannot blame a holy God for unholy followers.We have all heard people make a negative observation of a Christian and say, “If that’s what a Christian is like, I don’t want to have anything to do with Christianity.” They get hurt or put off by one person and then use it to discredit God and the entire gospel.So many people in our culture today are wounded by Christians. It’s inevitable. None of us are perfect, and none of us (if we’re honest) can claim to be. The world will surely see our love and the positive effect that the gospel has had on our lives. But the world will also surely see that we are still imperfect. And it’s those imperfections that can lead others away from God if they believe that Christians are supposed to be perfect representations of God on the earth. Although that is our goal, none of us are there yet.Paul reminds us, human unfaithfulness doesn’t nullify God’s faithfulness! Life ApplicationHave I been hurt by someone and blamed God for it? Has my perception of God been tainted because of my experience with others?
God, we declare that you are faithful. You are good. You are holy. You are kind. Help us to see you for who you are and to not fall into the bad logic that because someone who claims to follow you is imperfect it must mean that you’re imperfect. We disregard that and acknowledge that you are perfect in every way. We worship you. Amen.
-Levi Thompson