Psalm 27


Psalms 27:13 NLT

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.”


Observation-What does it say?

In this psalm, David writes of his confidence in God. David understood that no matter how dark a situation he may be placed in, that God was with him, and would never leave him. So why should he be afraid?! His enemies were the ones who should tremble in fear because Almighty God was with David. God was his fortress, his protector, and his savior. What more does a person need?!


Understanding-What does it mean?

He is my rock. He is my fortress. He is my confidence!

David was a man after God’s heart. He was a servant of God. Yet that didn’t stop life’s struggles from happening to him. God allowed those things to occur in David’s life to mold him into the man we all know him as today. David had confidence! Confidence in knowing what kind of God he served. (A God who is loving, just, and mighty)! No matter how bad the odds were stacked against David, he knew when all the dust settled, His God would reign supreme. He knew God’s glory and power would shine to make the impossible, possible.

After all, God split the Red Sea to help His people escape from the mighty Egyptian army. God tore down the mighty walls of Jericho with one big shout from His people. God even used a lowly shepherd boy to bring down a GIANT of a warrior named Goliath.

So whatever mountain there is in my life that needs to be moved, or whatever giant I am faced with battling, I am encouraged with David’s confidence. I will wait patiently on the Lord, and expect nothing but His goodness to breakthrough in my life.

“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”-Psalms 27:14

 “O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!”-Jeremiah 32:17


Life Application

My God is greater!

All I can do is give Him my praise and worship. Here is a link to a song of worship that came to mind:


-Moses Gaddi






Psalm 26