Psalm 45
Christ is the Husband (bridegroom) and the Church is the Bride. We forsake ALL others after getting married because after vows, we become ONE flesh and make a commitment for life with our spouse. The same goes with our relationship with Jesus. We need to be ALL in, not just partially in, for our Lord is a jealous God and does not want anyone or anything to come between us and Him.
Moses and I are taking Pastor and DeLaine’s DSU course, 6 Great Dates! It’s an awesome reminder that we need to keep investing in our marriages and date each other in order to keep the spark alive!On the flip side with our faith, are we putting the same time and investment into our relationship with Jesus as we did in the beginning?We need to remind ourselves of the fire in the beginning of our faith and go back to our First Love. We must be reminded of our testimonies to reignite that spark, the same way we need to remember what we love about our spouses in order to keep pressing forward as a couple. This Wedding Psalm is a great reminder of that!-Michelle Gaddi