ScriptureGenesis 3:4-5 NLT““You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”” Observation-What does it say?The serpent (Satan), was up to his old tricks again. Here he was, in the Garden of Eden, deceiving Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree that God specifically told both Adam and herself not to eat from. But the serpent was crafty. He twisted God’s Words to trick her into disobeying God. Understanding-What does it mean?The world is the devil’s playground, and he will use anything in it to bring mankind down with him.In this passage, Eve was tricked into disobeying God. She let someone/something else influence her into making a very bad decision. Instead of trusting God, and trusting in His commands, she let an outside influence pressure her into disobedience towards her Creator. I wonder how many of us get caught up doing the same thing? We let the world influence us into making bad decisions, decisions that aren’t very pleasing to God. Instead of trusting the ways of the only One in this world that is holy and righteous, we let the world determine things that are good and bad. And as Christ Followers, it’s time we need to take a stand in this world for God’s ways over the world’s ways. Because if we don’t, well, just look at the world we are living in now. A world that pushed God out of its schools and government. It is a world doomed for destruction. Life ApplicationTake a stand for what you believe in!Isn’t it about time we stand up and fight for what we believe in?! Sure it can be an unpopular choice, but it’s a choice we have to make. We are called to a higher standard as God’s children. Instead of letting the world conform us, it is us as His disciples that should be transforming the world through teaching His ways and His truth.Father God, I pray that You give me courage today to stand up for what I believe stand up for You! May You help all Your children stand united in bringing back your values and ways into our schools and governments once again. Help us to put You back on the throne where You belong. It is the only way we can make America and this world great again! In Your Holy name Jesus I pray these things, Amen.-Moses Gaddi