

Psalm 66: 8-10

Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.


This psalm is one of the rare psalms not attributed to David, and is regarded as a praise song. Traditionally, this particular chapter is recited during an Easter celebration (so we’re a little late) but it explains the victory and blessing we experience in the Lord.


I love that this psalmist praises God for all the amazing deeds that He has done. He also shows gratitude for God allowing them to in some way keep their position, that is keeping them rooted in Christ. But the part that I had to stop on today always catches my attention in the Bible and even in songs: “you refined us like silver.” If you know anything about the refinement process of precious metals, you’ll understand that it is extremely uncomfortable. The ore is taken and put through immense amounts of heat until the impurities (or dross if you want to be fancy) comes rising to the top. Then the refiner will scrape these impurities off and blast it through heat again, this process is continued until no more dross is present and the ore is completely refined silver. So when we say “I want to be tried by the fire and purified” or “you refined us like silver” it’s the understanding that our blessings are sometimes wrapped up in a difficult test.

There are very few things that I consider a “dangerous prayer,” but asking God to refine us like any precious metal is one of them in my eyes. As I look back on my life there’s only one time I can remember I asked God to truly “refine” me, and wow He did. In the beginning of 2020 I wrote in a journal: “I want to be forged in the fire so that I come out as purified gold. As of right now though I feel the flames getting hotter and hotter, and I have to made the choice that I will survive the scorching.” Needless to say 2020 was a journey that I am still navigating, and I now can say that I believe the sentiment I wrote in January 2020. “I will survive the scorching,” but also the blessing is in the testing and that’s what this psalmist is reminding us today.

Life Application

Choose to look at your difficulties with eyes of wonder rather than eyes of despair. The blessing is in the testing, so although it is not easy push through the tough circumstances and remember that no matter what He still good, and always worthy of our praise.

-Allison Khan 




2 Corinthians 12