Mark 10
Mark 10: 21
I seem to be picking a theme with my SOUL journals lately. That is, I’m very drawn to the verses that highlight a test or a trial to experience the fullness of God. I picked one that talked about being refined two weeks ago, and today this one caught my eye. Here’s why: Jesus loves him. Well duh! Jesus loves everyone, but this was highlighted as important or else it wouldn’t be there. A lot of times we think that when we say “yes” to giving our life to God that it means every task He’ll have us do will be easy. But as this verse shows Jesus challenges the ones He loves. We aren’t guaranteed to have smooth sailing just because we signed up for a lifetime contract with our Creator. The “fine print” of the contract often highlights trials and tribulations, and challenges to test our heart and motives (which again Jesus shows us here).
Life Application
One translation says that young man walked away sad because “he’s was holding on tight to a lot of things, that he was not about to let go.” What are you holding onto that doesn’t serve you anymore? Trust that God will provide, and provide abundantly! Maybe it’s something material, but maybe it’s a toxic relationship, or a horrid habit. Whatever it may be it’s time to come and follow Jesus (no more hiding from Him). And remember: He challenges you because He loves you!