

Galatians 1:10 NLT

“Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”


Observation-What does it say?

Paul is writing to the churches of Galatia. He reminds them that there is only one true gospel message... a message of grace and freedom found in Jesus Christ. Anyone who dares to pervert this message should be set aside for God’s destruction. However, Paul’s opposition accused him of preaching a gospel of grace and freedom from the law in order to please the Gentiles, so he could be more “popular” amongst the people. Paul insisted that his desire was to please God only. He reminds his opposition of the man he once was, and it is only through a direct experience he had with Jesus Christ, (on his way to Damascus), in which the true gospel of God was revealed to him. And now his one mission was to please God and share this revelation of the true gospel to everyone!


Understanding-What does it mean?

Please an audience of One.

More than often, I get caught up with what others may think of me. I struggled with this way too many times as a youth. I often fell into peer pressure just to try to fit in with a crowd. Some of the things I would do are things I’m not too proud of either. Fast forward to the present time. I still find myself struggling with these issues. Now like Paul, I too know my mission in life that God has given me, a mission of multiplying Christ Followers everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20). But I hate to admit, sometimes I cower in those situations. The Holy Spirit will tell me to pray for someone, or provide an opportunity for me to share the gospel, and instead of boldly following God, I am passive and get too concerned what others around may think or say. “What a weirdo!”, or “He’s one of those Jesus freaks!” they may say. But this verse reminds me who cares what others may think or say?! There is only One person I should really care about pleasing. Am I doing whatever it takes to make sure that happens?


Life Application

Here is verse to ponder on this morning:

“But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.”-Matthew 10:33 

That verse may strike home really hard for some of us. But here is a verse that should encourage you:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”-2 Timothy 1:7

I pray that we can all walk out our faith in this world being courageous and bold like Paul did. That we use every opportunity given to us, whether it’s an ideal situation or not, to share the gospel of Christ to others. May our father in Heaven welcome us in by name, and tell us “Good job my good and faithful servant.” All glory and honor to our God in Heaven! Amen.  

-Moses Gaddi



Psalm 84

