Mark 8 - 2.20.24
SCRIPTURE: Mark 8:31-33 “ Then He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, be killed, and rise after three days. He was openly talking about this. So Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning around and looking at His disciples, He rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan, because you’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but mans! “
OBSERVATION: Jesus began an ongoing teaching about how He, the Son of Man, must suffer many things! This certainly didn’t sound like good news to His disciples! He had just asked them, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah!” As soon as they acknowledged He was the Messiah, Jesus got right down to business and began teaching them about His death and resurrection. But this news didn’t sound good at all to them! That’s when Peter took Jesus aside and rebuked Him, I think it was because He didn’t understand God’s unfolding redemptive plan yet. Peter was probably confused as to why Jesus, the Messiah would have to suffer such horrible things. I think Peter’s quirky way of comforting Jesus was to rebuke Him, kind of like saying, “It isn’t so!” But…was Peter showing that He was more concerned about Jesus’ comfort or His character? Comfort is not always God’s will, doing what’s right is!
APPLICATION: I learned something after reading what Peter said to Jesus. I learned that I need to be more careful how I pray for others. God’s will is not always based on what makes us happy, it’s based on what makes us holy. Peter was concerned about Jesus’ comforts more than what Jesus said He MUST DO! Jesus knew what He must do, and He was willing to do it, even if it meant suffering! He needed to do it in order to make a way for us to be saved! My sanctification process; the work that God began in me, its purpose is for me to become more like Jesus. When I think about Jesus, He was willing to suffer and die for my sins so I could live for Him! In order for me to do that, I MUST be willing to die to myself! God isn’t about making me happy as much as He is about making me holy!
So, the next time I pray with someone, or give advice, I need to remember the important lesson here: Jesus’ disciples believed He was the Messiah, and when He told them He MUST suffer many things, be rejected and die, He was teaching them AND US that when we follow Him, we should be ready and willing to build our character more than our comforts. We should be willing to do what’s right according to God’s will, no matter how uncomfortable it gets!
PRAYER: Oh Lord, I am alive and well, but I pray, as I serve You that I will be willing to die to myself to follow You! Thank You for doing what You knew You must do in order to accomplish God’s will; to die on the cross to pay for my sins! You gave Your life for me so I could be saved!
“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it.” I pray God will help me think about His concerns more than man’s.
- Robin Orefice