Micah 7 - 12.15.23
Micah 7:7, 8b
“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”
“When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me”
Micah has been rebuking his people and warning of judgement that is to come. He now changes his focus to how God will redeem once all of this has taken place. In the midst of all the evil he knows God hears him and trusts he will be delivered from his enemies. He also prophesies of a time after the wrath when the people will repent and cry out to God and they will be restored. Verse 15 “As in the day when you came out of the land of Egypt I will show them wonders.”
I’ve been listening to Lisa Nichols book, “No Matter What!”. She talks about overcoming obstacles by developing “bounce back muscles”. The last chapter I listened to was titled “Developing your I-Know-Like- I-Know Muscle: God is Good, Good is God-Whoo-hoo”. She shares a testimony of when she experienced her worst fear. By focusing on God and repeating that little phrase over and over again she had peace in the midst of the trial and felt God’s presence. The trial was turned around. She made connections with people and was given an opportunity to share why she had hope with others.
Like Micah, who knew in the midst of awful situations God heard him and would defeat his enemies, I want to walk in the assurance God is working in every situation. I want to develop a bigger I-Know-That-I Know Muscle.
This also ties in with our sermon series on Joseph. He acknowledged God in every situation and God brought him favor and turned what was meant for evil into good. Do you think God wants me to get this? Yes, He is waiting for all of us to look to Him and realize He is there in the midst of whatever we are going through.
Father God you are the source of all goodness. You will never leave me or forsake me. I know you are always with me; I am never left to fight any battle alone. When hard times come help me look to you. When things are good keep my eyes on you as well. Keep me on your path. I pray, as Micah did for restoration of people who have turned from you. May I walk in gratitude every day knowing you are working. Amen
Cindy Howard