Acts 14 - 09.19.24

SCRIPTURE: Acts 14:21-22 NIV

“Then Paul and Barnabas returned—to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch—

strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said.”



What an important piece of scripture is in this chapter. Paul and Barnabas are missionaries sent to “GO and MAKE Disciples” — not converts.


In order to Strengthen the “disciples” they “return” to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch and encourage these new believers to remain TRUE to The FAITH—

explaining to them that “persecution” is part of the walk with Jesus.



Strengthening in the Faith

Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch—

where they had been Forcibly expelled from the City (13:50), Iconium—where they were alerted to a Threat of Stoning (14:5),  and Lystra—where Paul actually was stoned and left for dead!


Paul and Barnabas went BACK to the very cities where they had encountered GREAT Danger—because they understood the IMPORTANCE of Strengthening

the new disciples in their Faith.


Strengthen-the root word in this scripture was used in a present tense—strengthen-ing--meaning a  continual process. 

In this context the word was only used 3-times —all in the New Testament AND all in the book of Acts (15:32, 15:41). 


God desires for us to Continually—be Strengthening our Faith —

tribulations and hardships—WILL—Come—they are a part of our walk with Jesus.


We will Not be able to Stand Up against these Trials—If we are NOT continually Strengthening our Faith.


How did Paul and Barnabas strengthen the disciples?

They—Prayed and Fasted for them and appointed elders in each of the new churches.

“When they had appointed elders for them in every church, having prayed with fasting, they entrusted them to the Lord…” (Acts 14:23a AMP)


Prayer and Fasting to seek God’s perfect will and His Strength for all we do is a necessary part of our walk with God.


Submitting to Leadership in the church and having Discipleship in our personal lives is also an important lifestyle. We each need someone who we can be transparent AND accountable with IN Prayer in order to Grow in Spiritual Maturity.



“Are any of you suffering hardships? 

You should pray. 

Are any of you happy? 

You should sing praises. 

Are any of you sick? 

You should—call for the elders of the church—to come and pray over you, 

anointing you with oil—in the Name of the Lord. 

Such a prayer—offered in faith—will heal the sick—and the Lord will make you well. 


And if you have committed any sins—you will be forgiven. 


Confess your sins—to each other—and pray for each other—

so—that you may—be healed. 


The earnest prayer—of a righteous person—has Great Power 

and Produces wonderful Results. 


Elijah was as human as WE are—


and yet WHEN he PRAYED earnestly—that NO rain would FALL—

none fell—for three and a half years! 

Then, when he PRAYED again, 

the sky sent down rain—and the earth began—to yield its crops.”

(James 5:13-18 NLT)



LORD Jesus,

Thank YOU for YOUR Word. I Take YOU at Your Word. YOU are a Faithful GOD-searching for those whose hearts are COMPLETELY yours. FILL me fresh-Today. Remove anything in me that is a hindrance. Give me Your Eyes and Your Heart. Open my understanding. Nothing is Impossible for YOU. YOU Part the SEA and YOU walk over Storms to demonstrate YOUR LOVE. In Your Love there is NO Fear. If God is For us-who can be against us. May we BE strengthened by Your Word, prayer, fasting and by encouraging each other in our faith. May it be our lifestyle. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Tina L Kudelka


Acts 15 - 9.20.24


Acts 13 - 9.18.24