Acts 14 - 10.20.23
Acts 14:1
At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Greeks believed.
Was it 50 people? 100? 1,000? We’re just told that “a great number” believed. Why? According to this verse, it’s because Paul and Barnabas spoke so effectively.
God uses effective communication to bring people to belief in Jesus.
I wonder in reading this, what made the their communication so effective?
Of course it had to be clear enough for people to understand the news about Jesus and to be persuaded. But we also know Paul’s approach was to come not only with words but power (1 Cor. 2:4). We also know that none can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them (John 6:44). The Holy Spirit accompanied them with signs and wonders, and bared witness to those who heard that the message was true.
Pursue effective communication through prayer and practice.
I will set aside time to pray for the Holy Spirit to accompany the gospel message with signs and wonders, to bear witness to the truth and draw people to faith in Jesus.
And I will practice communicating the gospel, not just from the pulpit, but by sharing with someone this week.
God, I long to be used by you to save people. Make me an effective evangelist. Please give me the words to clearly communicate the gospel. And Holy Spirit, please accompany the message with power. Draw people to yourself, and bring someone across my path even today who you’ve appointed for salvation who I could share the gospel with. May it be said of me, and all of us at Desert Streams Church, that we spoke so effectively that a great number of people believed. Amen.
- Levi Thompson