Acts 17 - 10.25.23



Acts 17:13 But when the Jews in Thessalonica learned that Paul was preaching the word of God at Berea, some of them went there too, agitating the crowds and stirring them up.




This story is repeated throughout the book of Acts. Paul goes to a new city to preach the Good News. At each stop, he spends days or weeks preaching about Jesus. Eventually, at each stop riots and threats of violence erupt and he is driven out. But fortunately, God’s word does not return empty. The persecution he faced had a purpose. Through the chasing of Paul from city to city, the Good News was spread throughout the world.




Paul knew he was called to spread the gospel. He obediently walked in that calling in spite of all circumstances. He was threatened, and beaten, and jailed. I have to think that there were times when he wanted to give up, times when he cried out, “Where are you God? I thought you told me to preach to these people and yet again I am being forced to run.” But he seemed to understand that his job was to trust God and walk in what he was called to do. It was his job to trust that God had a purpose.


Can we trust God enough to believe that He is in control in spite of the circumstances that we are experiencing?




God, thank you the reminder today that you are in control. I think this is an ongoing, lifelong learning process. Help me to remember to run to you first and always. Help me to remember the times you have worked in my life. Help me to remember that things won’t always make sense to me, but it is my job to trust that you have a plan and a purpose and to obey.

- Debbie Dunn 


Acts 18 - 10.26.23


Acts 16 - 10.24.23