Acts 20 - 10.30.23
Acts 20:24 ERV
“I don’t care about my own life. The most important thing is that I finish my work. I want to finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do—to tell people the Good News about God’s grace.”
As Paul says his goodbyes to his friends and church family, he prepares to venture off back to Jerusalem. Now Paul is aware of the trials, jail time, and suffering that lies ahead of him. But, he is more concerned and focused on finishing the task at hand. He wants to finish the mission that Jesus gave him and that mission was to tell others the Good News about God’s grace.
Have a heart for the lost.
A couple of months ago, I watched a video on YouTube about a young man who went on a missions trip to a remote island so he could share the Good News about Jesus with the tribe that inhabited that island. Local governments warned people not to go near that island because the indigenous tribe that occupied it were quite frankly, savage. They had no interest in knowing the outside world and would attack anyone who would dare step foot on their island. But this young man felt the need to share the gospel with these people. So despite the warnings, he went anyway. Now I wish I could tell you that this young man stepped foot on the island and was able to make connections with these tribesmen and they all accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior that day. But, unfortunately the story didn’t end that way. The truth was this young man was killed by this tribe. The truth is that this young man’s death left his parents’ heart broken and bitter about Christianity. But, the truth also is that this young man was willing to risk his life to share with people he didn’t know, about the love of God.
The journal entries of this young man’s final days were later found. Although they showed he was scared, it also showed his desire to share with these people about God’s love for them. He was willing to accept whatever fate was to come of it and as he began realizing his death was imminent, he wrote his loved ones to not retrieve his body and to not get angry at God because of his death. At the end of the day, he knew where his eternal destination laid (with Jesus in Heaven). He just wanted to be sure others had the same opportunity to get there as well.
I find myself challenged today by the likes of this young man and the Apostle Paul. They had such a HUGE heart for the lost. They were willing to go to places where they knew they weren’t wanted. They were willing to endure the pain and suffering. They were even willing to lay down their lives in order for others to hear the gospel message and have the opportunity to be saved. Now that’s commitment! That is love-(the same love Jesus demonstrated for us) and that is now our mission.
“I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.”-1 Corinthians 9:23
Father God, I pray today for a heart to see the lost the way You do. I pray for a compassionate heart, a heart filled with love for them. I pray for a heart that yearns for people that don’t know You yet, to come to know You. Give me the boldness and courage to share with these people about Your love for them. May You soften these people’s hearts and draw them to You Lord. May Your free gift of salvation be a gift that keeps on giving. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽
-Moses Gaddi