Acts 21 - 9.30.24


‭‭Acts‬ ‭21‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT

“But he said, “Why all this weeping? You are breaking my heart! I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.” When it was clear that we couldn’t persuade him, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”


Paul is on a journey heading back to Jerusalem and as he sails along the way and makes pit stops in each city, he is always met by local believers who provide him hospitality. Amongst these local believers, there are some who have the gift of prophecy. They urge Paul not to go back to Jerusalem because the Holy Spirit gave them a vision that Paul would be met by these Jewish leaders, and he would be bound and beaten. But Paul is on a mission here… a mission to share the gospel of Jesus. Paul is not going to let anything, not even being jailed or the fear of death, get in the way of completing his mission.


The safest place you can ever be is inside the will of God.

I remember talking to a Missionary who traveled the world. I asked them if it was scary for them to travel to places where Christians were not welcomed; places where Christians would be imprisoned, beaten, and persecuted for sharing their faith. They responded by reminding me, “The safest place you can ever be is inside the will of God.” You see, like Paul, they knew the mission that God called them to. They knew that their mission was to tell others about the love of Jesus. Whether it was sharing with their neighbors, their co-workers, or even going to another country where they didn’t even speak the language, they knew God had called them for this specific purpose. They knew that wherever God had called them to go, that He would be with them, guiding them, protecting them, and providing everything that they would ever need. The faith they showed me was something I truly admired and respected.

So when I hear the Holy Spirit speak to me and tell me to go somewhere so that I can share the Good News about Jesus with someone, I try to remember people like Paul, or the people working the mission fields. These people left their comfort zones and the fear of the unknown behind. Instead, they trusted in God’s perfect will. It is the safest and best place we can ever be. 😊

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.”-Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭


Father God, You are the Rock that I lean on. You are my Shield, my Protector, and my Provider. I will trust in Your good and perfect will. I pray that I can live an obedient and disciplined life like Paul, going wherever You take me, and sharing the Good News with whoever You tell me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽


-Moses Gaddi


Psalm 59 - 10.1.24


Deuteronomy 23 - 9.27.2024