Ephesians 1- 04.21.22

SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 1:17-18a

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the HOPE to which he has called you…”


Paul addresses his letter to “the saints”. Nine times in this letter, Paul addresses his readers as saints. They were alive, not dead, though they had once been “dead in their trespasses and sin (2:1-3). The word “saint” is simply one of the many terms used in the New Testament to describe “one who has trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord”. The word saint means set apart . It is a word that applies to all born again believers because it refers to our position IN Christ.


I am beyond captivated with Paul’s prayer request. I have prayed, meditated, studied, researched, and struggled with this scripture for weeks now—and still I believe I am only at the very beginning of grasping the intention of this prayer. Since Paul is addressing believers, they already have the Holy Spirit. Yet, he is praying for them to have a greater measure..the spirit of revelation and wisdom

“SO” they may KNOW Christ better AND understand the HOPE that HE has called them (us) to.

This is what God has shown me so far.

When I speak about salvation to others, I frequently use the analogy of God’s “Gift”. Through faith in Christ’s completed work on the cross and resurrection we can have salvation; forgiveness of sins, restored relationship with God, and security of eternity in heaven. As I explain this amazing gift, God showed me that I was visualizing a small gold box with a red bow. God explained to me that ALL that comes WITH Salvation could never be contained in a small gift box. God’s gifts to us THROUGH salvation are UNCONTAINABLE.

I think this is what Paul wanted the Ephesian believers (and us) to grab hold of.

With Salvation comes: The HOPE!

This Hope is not like worldly hope, meaning something may happen.

This Hope IS the Assurance of Christ.

“So now wrap your heart tightly around the HOPE that lives WITHIN us, knowing that God always keeps his promises!” (Hebrews 10:23 TPT)


Living a Power-Filled Life IN Jesus

Our Hope is grounded IN the reality of JESUS—Which encourages our Faith.

Which Brings Hope “Front and Center” in our Lives—what is unseen is SEEN by how we live out our lives in every circumstance.

Which results in Christ being Glorified IN and THROUGH us.

Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.” (Hebrews 1:1 TPT)

Lord Jesus,

I pray that the “eyes of my heart may be enlightened” more and more to understand the Fullness of the Hope that is mine IN You. I pray for myself and our desert streams church body to have “the spirit of wisdom and revelation” as we abide in you, spend time in Your Word, pray, seek You, worship You, and Listen…to serve and glorify you in all we do.

in Jesus Name, amen.

Tina L Kudelka


Mark 3 - 4.23.22


Psalm 148-4.20.22