Ephesians 2 - 1.23.24

SCRIPTURE:  Ephesians 2:8 “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift- not from works, so that no one can boast.”

OBSERVATION:  The apostle Paul emphasized to the Jews and to the Greeks that they were once dead in their sins.  Then he included himself, “We too all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires…but God made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses.”

He addressed the problem we are ALL born with being sinners, and then he went on to share the solution by which God made a way, THROUGH JESUS, to restore mankind to Himself, (ONLY to those who believe Jesus is Lord).

APPLICATION:  We’ve all heard that old saying, “Nothing in life is free!” Maybe that’s why it’s so hard for many to comprehend that the greatest gift we could ever receive is God’s grace, forgiveness, and salvation!

NONE of us deserve God’s gift of salvation, and it cannot be earned by doing good works!  Our sin is what separates us from God, but because of His love for us, He devised a solution to our problem. His name is Jesus!  Jesus left the comforts of heaven, came to earth, lived a sinless life, willingly obeyed the Father by dying on the cross to pay for our sins, and on the third day He rose again! Today He lives to intercede for us; He’s always ready, willing, and available to help us become more like Him every day in every way.  As we read His Word, apply it, follow Him, and obey, He has promised to hear us, and to guide us on the right path. 

PRAYER:  Thank You God for loving me so much that You sent Your Son Jesus to die for my sins!  Because of Your great love for me, You forgave me, saved me, and made me alive through Jesus!  I am now free to live for You!  I have been saved by grace through faith, and have been created in Christ FOR good works, not BECAUSE of my good works!  I pray I will be an ambassador for Christ as I share this Good News with others. 

- Robin Orefice


Ephesians 3 - 1.24.24


Malachi 1 - 1.22.24