Galatians 1 - 11.22.24
Galatians 1:10: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
Paul in this chapter of the letter states his title and by what authority his title was given. Paul gives a quick greeting and then prays. Now Paul is not going to hold anything back. Paul scolds them and gives a stern warning about what is going on in the Churches in Galatia. There are some that are distorting, perverting, or adding to the truth of the Gospel. They are now preaching a different Gospel than the one they originally received. Paul tells them the consequences.
Paul then reminds them that the Gospel he taught was not given to him by man but by revelation of Jesus Christ. He finishes this chapter by giving them his testimony.
As a supervisor at work, I have been given authority from management above me to lead, speak and teach about safety. I have given my testimony about some things that happened to me or other employees. When safety rules are broken, there is consequences. Some are immediate and natural consequences like getting injured or worse, and some consequences come later such as a write up, suspension and termination. When I talk about safety, the tone is not a whiny “do it for me please.” I need to be firm so the employees can go home to see their families every day. Their lives may depend on me and the training
Paul was firm. He knows some people in the Churches would be lost if they didn’t hear the truth. I am sure some people did not like his tone. Paul wasn’t going to give them a time out or go to bed without supper. The Truth was not going to be a casualty. Paul knew who he was in Christ. As a good servant, he was going to remind them of who God the father was and who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Lord, let the Holy Spirit give me words when I talk about you Jesus. Let me not talk in my own understanding. Let me speak the truth. Let me stand firm in your truth. Let the good news go forth. Thank you Jesus. Amen
- Robert Oberg