Galatians 1-4.13.22
Galatians 1: 23-24
23 They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.
Observation-What does it say?
Paul speaks about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who he used to be before God encountered him. Verse 13 says he “intensely” persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. In this chapter, Paul is speaking about both Jesus’ testimony and his own testimony. As a result, people praised God because of Paul!
Understanding-What does it mean?
A testimony is powerful!
Testimonies cannot be manufactured because it’s personal and authentic to us. It also doesn’t take a special skill or degree to share the Gospel or our testimony. As a result of Paul’s testimony, people praised God because a transformation like his could only happen by the power and grace of God.
Life Application
Share Jesus’s story and our testimony!
The Gospel message (aka Good News) is the story of our separation from a Holy and Just God because of our sin; why Jesus had to come and die to take the penalty (someone had to pay the price) and His resurrection that defeated death so that we could defeat sin, death and the grave too! Christ is the bridge between us and a Holy and Just God. Because of Jesus, we are able to have a personal relationship with God.
Our testimony is basically 3 parts: our story of who we used to be before Christ; our moment of salvation (when we accepted Jesus’ invitation from the heart) and who we became after-our transformed life.
Let our church help you with this! This Sunday (Easter) is the perfect opportunity for people to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and for them to also hear personal testimonies through baptisms.
Who is the Lord highlighting for us to invite this Sunday?
-Michelle Gaddi