Galatians 4 - 1.17.24


Galatians 4:9 - But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? 



Paul is reminding the Galatians who they are now – knowing and known by God.



The phrase, “or rather are known by God” caught my attention, so I did some studying. This phrase is repeated in other parts the Bible and the wording and sentence structure each time seems to emphasize it more than us knowing God.


“To be known by God simply means to be counted among his sons” John Calvin


Parents know their children – they know what is best for them, what they need, and when and why they need it. They are their biggest champions and want the absolute best for them. They recognize their strengths and weaknesses, value them for who they are, and want to see them grow and succeed. God views us the same way.


“When God beholds his image in us He does that not by looking at that which He has put into us by nature, but at that which He has put into us by grace.” John Calvin


“To be known by God signifieth to be approved and loved by him, and consequently that all our concerns are perfectly known to him and regarded by him. This is the full and final comfort of a believer.” J.I Packer



“If one loves God, one is known by him.”  I Corinthians 8:3


Thank you God for knowing me - as I was … as I am … and as I will be. Thank you for loving me when I don’t deserve it. Thank you for championing me. Thank you for knowing all my concerns and my hopes and dreams. Thank you for guiding me and nudging me and correcting me. Thank you for doing what is best for me even when it hurts. Thank you for being in control. Thank you for giving me a hope and a future. Thank you for reminding me of your love for me today.

- Debbie Dunn


Galatians 5 - 1.18.24


Psalm 55 - 1.16.24