Hebrews 11 - 1.29.25


Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Hebrews 11 is a reminder of the great heroes of faith who have gone before us. The writer encourages us in our faith by reminding us of ways God has kept his promises. Likewise, we should be keeping a record of the many times God has shown up for us to encourage us to continue to trust and stand on his promises.


By faith we believe what has gone before - that God created the world, that the scripture is God breathed, that he sent his son to die for our sins and draw us into relationship with him.

By faith we hope for the future – we claim his promises, we trust him to meet our needs, we know he loves us and wants to work in and through us. By faith we persevere - even when we don’t see what we’ve been hoping for, even if it takes months or years. Or if we never actually see the promise fulfilled, we still trust that he is moving and in control.

“The challenge is ours now to do as the faithful of previous times did. The point of this whole section has been to lift up the necessity of persevering in faith especially when adversity comes. The Promised reward is reserved for those who hold firm in faith through all of life’s challenges.” Asbury Bible Commentary


God, please fill me with faith and trust in you in all circumstances. I have seen you work mightily and I know you will do it again and again. How freeing it is to put my hopes and my worries in your hands, knowing you are in control. My job is to follow you and walk in what you’ve called me to. The rest is up to you.

- Debbie Dunn


Hebrews 12 - 1.30.25


Hebrews 10 - 1.28.25