Hebrews 3 - 5.9.24

Hebrews 3:12-14

S – 12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.


O – This chapter provides a compelling contrast between Jesus and Moses, emphasizing Christ’s supreme role as our High Priest. By connecting Old Testament narratives with Christ’s teachings, the chapter delivers profound insights into faith, disbelief, and the promise of God’s rest.  Jesus, our high priest, is superior to Moses and all others. His faithfulness is our model, and His promises are true. We are called not just to acknowledge this, but to respond with steadfast faith, encouragement to others, and a heart that remains soft to the whispers of God.


A – Not believing that God is supreme over everyone, and everything, is a choice. If someone does not believe God exists, it is not that they “can’t” believe in Him, it’s that they choose not to. They are basically calling Him a liar and stating that His Word is untrue. That is where sin lies.


We can all be discouraged at times, maybe lacking in our faith for a season, but we can’t camp out there, and it is our job as Christian brothers and sisters to make sure no man is left behind. To do that, we must be in constant contact with our brothers and sisters. A hug and a “Good Morning,” on a Sunday morning aren’t going to cut it.  We must be in constant fellowship ….eating together, taking walks together, praying together, doing life together and holding each other accountable. Holding each other up when we are too weak to do it ourselves. Whether that be emotionally, spiritually, and/or even physically.


Exodus 17:12  When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.


Exhort one another daily.  If we will strengthen our faith and avoid the ruin of unbelief, we must be around other Christians who will exhort – that is, seriously encourage us. This shows our responsibility to both give exhortation and to receive exhortation, and to exhort one another daily. It is an easy thing to judge and criticize, but that is not exhortation. If you are out of fellowship altogether, you can’t exhort or be exhorted. When we are out of fellowship there is much less around us to keep us from becoming hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. (Spurgeon)


P – Lord, I pray I will never let one of my brother’s or sister’s hearts be hardened by not checking in with them, by being lost in my own life struggles, or by not being purposeful in my time spent with them. I thank you for those you have placed in my “family” who look out for me by ensuring that I am right with you, that I am encouraged, that I am held up in my weakness. I pray that after a moment of despair or self-pity, I, we, reign it in and get back to the ONE thing that is best…the ONE person who is superior to everyone and everything else! Lord may I never sin against you by not believing you ARE who you say you are! May I respond with steadfast faith today and always and help me hear the whispers of Your heart. 


- Crystal Flory


Hebrews 4 - 5.10.2024


Psalm 136 - 5.8.24