Hebrews 3-8.4.21


Hebrews 3:3-4 NIV

“Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”

OBSERVATION-What does it say?

The writer is basically explaining that Jesus is greater than Moses. Moses was a man used by God, while Jesus was and is God.

UNDERSTANDING-What does it mean?

Worship Jesus, not man.

Human beings do not have the power to save...only Jesus does.  Psalm 146:3-Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”  God is the creator and Moses was the creation. But because Moses was faithful to God and stayed close to Him, He used him in great ways. God spoke through him and worked in him to deliver the Israelites from bondage. It's easy to want to worship the man that God builds up, however, without God, man is nothing. Because Jesus is God though, He is everything. He's the builder of the house and is worthy of greater honor than Moses.


If we want to do great things in life like Moses did, we must stay close to the Builder.

Our Triune God is the Source of our salvation and the builder of our faith, the builder of our strength, the builder of our confidence, and the builder of our purpose here on earth. If we want God to use us in awesome ways, we must be willing to die to ourselves and serve Him who is greater than ourselves. We must stay connected to Him through prayer and His Word. Only then will growth and transformation into His likeness take place. Dear Lord, I confess that it's easy to idolize and admire people who do great things for You, but help us to remember the reason they are able to do it and that's because of You. You are the only One worthy of honor and glory and not us. Without You we are nothing. Thank You for great men and women of the faith who have chosen to die to themselves to live their lives for You. I pray that their example would point us to You alone. Amen.

-Pastor Levi Thompson


Leviticus 19 - 8.5.21


Psalm 148-8.3.21