Hebrews 4-8.9.22


Hebrews 4:7b 

"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."


The Lord had promised the Israelites that He would lead them into the the promised land, and He assured them of total victory if they would trust Him, but after Moses had instructed twelve chosen men to go spy out the land, ten of them came back with many reasons why they shouldn't enter in.  They were fearful because of the GIANT SIZED problems they saw, and their fear caused them to forget God's promise; that He would help them and guide them. The ten voices became the majority rule!  So, God declared on oath in His anger, "They shall never enter My rest." 

Even though God had led them out of slavery, brought them through the desert, fed them, protected them, and had performed great miracles, they disobeyed God because of their fear!  He had brought them so close to reaching their goal, but because they had lost sight of the Lord and His promises, they became afraid and lost out!  


God's works have been finished since the creation of the world.  On the seventh day God rested from all His works.  This rest wasn't because God had gotten tired. It's a foretaste of the eternal rest we will all receive to those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus.   God calls us personally; "Today if you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts". 

Fear and pride are two things that keep us from trusting God and entering into His promise of rest, but the more we get to know God, the more we will discover His great love for us, and we will come to realize how much He desires that we trust Him, rest in Him, and stop trying to earn our way into heaven by trusting in our good works to be saved!


Thank You God for inviting me to enter into Your rest.  I pray my heart will always be soft and pliable before You.  I have found such peace and joy which has carried me through each and every day as I have trusted in You.  I pray the giant sized problems I face would not cause me to fear or forget Your promises, but that I will trust and rely on Your help and guidance to bring me safely through this life -  to my eternal rest with You!        

-Robin Orefice


Hebrews 5-8.10.22


Psalm 45-8.8.22