Hebrews 6 - 5.14.24
SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 6:13 "When God made His promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for Him to swear by, He swore by Himself, saying, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants. And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised."
OBSERVATION: The author is anonymous. In this chapter he focused on God's promise to Abraham that was referenced in Genesis 22:16,18 regarding when Abraham did not withhold his only son Isaac from being sacrificed as a burnt offering, and because Abraham trusted and obeyed God's voice, He was promised that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through his seed. (Jesus is that seed Who came through Abraham's family line).
Abraham was 75 years old when God gave him the promise that he and Sarah would become parents, and Abe waited 25 long years for that promise to be fulfilled when he finally became the father of Isaac at the ripe old age of 100! Many things happened in-be-tween the promise and the fulfillment of that promise. When the waiting got tough, Sarah devised a plan, and Abraham agreed, to use Sarah's Egyptian slave girl to bear a child with Abraham. They soon found out the hard way that all that did was to mess things up by trying to "help" God out!
NOTHING is able to thwart the plans and purposes of God, and even though Abraham and Sarah had gotten impatient and tried to speed things up on their own, God kept His promise, and it was miraculously fulfilled according to HIS perfect timing! God did as He swore; He blessed Abraham, and he is the father of all those who come to God by faith. All the nations of the world are blessed by the nation of his descendants.
APPLICATION: God has given us His written Word, and EVERY single Word is true! Jesus' desire is to become the ultimate source of our assurance, and one of the many ways to test the measure of our faith is while we are in, you guessed it... WAIT MODE! Our faith is made strong as we feed on God's Word. Jesus is the Bread of Life. His Word nourishes us, sustains us, and builds our faith. EVERY promise He has made is trustworthy, and they NEVER change! Even when we fail Him, He remains faithful to us. We may try to go ahead of Him, and in the process mess things up, but in the end, His plans and perfect timing are ALWAYS fulfilled according to what HE has promised!
PRAYER: I pray that I will hide God's Word in my heart, know His promises, trust in His perfect plan, and in His perfect timing. I pray I will depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to give me the patience I need as I am in wait mode. I pray I will depend on Him to keep me from becoming weary while I wait. May I have confident trust in God's promises, and never forget that His greatest promise to me is that I have been saved through Jesus! And, I pray, as I wait that I will focus on being about my Father's business as I allow His plans to be accomplished in and through my life as I continue to put my trust in His Word and my hope in Jesus.
- Robin Orefice