Hebrews 7 - 06.15.23
SCRIPTURE —Hebrews 7:23-25a NLT
“There were many priests under the old system,
for death prevented them from remaining in office. BUT—
because Jesus lives FOREVER, His priesthood lasts FOREVER.
Therefore HE is able, once and forever, to save those [to the uttermost]
who come to God through him.”
Here we are introduced to Melchizedek (whose story appeared briefly in the book of Genesis 14:18-20)- and we learn what distinguished and set him apart in human history. Melchizedek was King of Salem [later Jerusalem].
His name means King of Righteousness AND His title means King of Peace.
He was both a King AND a Priest.
God set up Priesthood through the tribe of the Levites [Aaron, the brother of Moses being the first Priest]. Melchizedek has no recorded genealogy of parenthood, birth, or death-this is why we see the scripture:
“You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 7:17 NLT)
However, we should not draw any specific conclusions around Melchizedek regarding the lack of records on his genealogy, birth, and death—other than God saw fit to leave out these details for His own purposes.
What IS important here is the understanding of the passing away
of the Old “imperfect” system— to Jesus!
The old system of sacrifices made by human priests
only partially and temporarily “covered” sin,
but it did not even come close to partially or temporarily “removing” sin.
Nor did it to any degree or for any length of time bring deliverance from sin.
But Jesus is ABLE [ root word-dunamis- Power] to SAVE to the Uttermost—
Jesus IS the “embodiment of “Righteousness” and “Peace” as our High Priest.
Warren Wiersbe explains in his commentary:
“It is only THROUGH the Work on the Cross that Righteousness and Peace could have ‘Kissed each other’”.
“Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and Peace have kissed!”
(Psalms 85:10 NLT)
Share the GOOD NEWS
This last week I was SO excited that I was certified in a specialized debriefing process to assist victims who have undergone trauma. It was an intense training and education process to undergo—but I knew this would be able to help so many people.
I immediately shared this “good news” with several of my close friends.
Now I can’t help but say to myself? Of course this debriefing process is a “good thing” BUT—Jesus is SO much better! The Good News of Jesus Outshines ANY News we have or want to share—be at a new recipe, a new job, our achievements, or family achievements.
Don’t get me wrong—sharing our achievements and family’s achievements are fun and celebrating with each other is a Joyful and fulfilling part of our life. BUT—Jesus needs AND deserves to have the very FIRST place in my Heart of Celebration.
There is no GOOD NEWS that rivals the Good News of Jesus!
This last Sunday we received small postcards with the Good News written out in an easy way SO anyone can hand it out, share it, or use it as a simple “memory card” to share the Gospel with someone this week!
How is everyone doing with their challenge?
I’ve spoken with a few people, but haven’t had the opportunity to share the full Gospel yet. I Know Jesus has someone who needs to hear this.
The one I was going to contact is out of town. But—I’m not going to let this week go by without sharing the Good News with someone.
How about you?
Lord Jesus,
I am so deeply Sorry that I am not focused on sharing your Good News. This is not something bad to share. This is telling someone the absolute Greatest News that ever existed of ALL time! The God of the universe-Creator of ALL things—Knows who they are—sees them—and Loves them—and wants to invite them into a deep and personal—saving-eternal— relationship Today.
Give me eyes to see the One. YOU say the Harvest is RIPE. Father, send MORE workers into the Field.
In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.
Tina L Kudelka