Hebrews 9 - 1.27.25


Hebrews 9:28 (NIV)

“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”


This chapter is comparing what worship looked like through the old covenant, to how it changed because of the blood of Christ.

The high priest was the only one who could enter the inner room of the tabernacle, every year with blood, to offer up for his sins and the sins of others (vs. 7)

However, Jesus’ sacrifice started the New Covenant and He became our new High Priest! The sacrifice of His perfect blood paid the penalty of all past, present and future sins! It had to be done only once, instead of every year in the old covenant, from the earthly high priest. Thank You Jesus and praise God!


Praise God for being the ultimate sacrifice for our sins!

Build our hope and praise on Jesus, who sacrificed for our sins.  He will also return a 2nd time, so let’s continue to be hopeful for that as we continue to work for Him and bring others with us!

I love the words of this hymn:

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

All other ground is sinking sand.


Dear Lord,

Thank You for taking the penalty of my sins, past, present and future! Thank You for doing away with the Old Covenant, where only priests could enter your Holy Place and had to offer blood atonement for the people’s sins every single year! I’m so grateful for the New Covenant where your sacrifice of perfect blood was sufficient for me! You are worthy of my praise always! I confess that I sometimes take for granted how much You have done for me. Help me to always remember. I pray for myself and my church family, that we would continue to be grateful for Your sacrifice and hopeful for Your promised 2nd return. In Your name I pray Jesus, Amen. 

- Michelle Gaddi


Hebrews 10 - 1.28.25


Hebrews 6 - 1.24.25