Isaiah 26 - 3.17.2023
Scripture - Pick one verse that stood out to you.
Isaiah 26:19
But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.
Observation - What about this verse stands out to you?
But your dead will live, Lord;
In verse four of the same chapter it says to trust in the Lord forever. As I read about Your dead rising, Lord Jesus, I was filled with hope.
Because I miss the loved ones that are not here on earth with me currently.
I wish…for so many things, but some of my deepest longings revolve around being reunited one day with those that I love. Verse four tells me to trust God forever. Verse nineteen shares that our loved ones will rise if they have given themselves to God. If they are the Lord’s (possessive). If my loved ones belong to you, Lord Jesus, their bodies will rise!!!
Application - How will you apply this to your life?
Isaiah 26:2
Open the gates
that the righteous nation may enter,
the nation that keeps faith.
Today I will build my faith!! And reaffirm my membership as part of a righteous nation!
I believe that Your dead will live, that their bodies will rise!
When a moment of grief overcomes me over the loss of loved ones I will remember today that they were Yours! That THEY WILL RISE!
And I will be reunited with them!
Prayer - Write out a prayer.
Lord Jesus, with the help of your Holy Spirit I choose to build my faith further today! Help me Lord in my moments of sadness to be reminded of what my future in You looks like! Help me to build my faith today! Lord in my moments of sadness remind me of what those who make You their Lord have waiting for them! In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.
-kenneth lee