Isaiah 58 - 5.2.23

SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 58:13,14  "If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on My holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

OBSERVATION:  The Sabbath day was instituted by God for the nation of Israel to commemorate His deliverance of them from Egypt.  It was a special sign to the Israelites that they had been set apart as followers of the Most Hight God.  Their keeping of the Sabbath would help distinguish them from the nations around them.  (Got Questions. com).

Sunday was the day that Jesus rose from the dead, and since that time, believers have gathered on the first day of the week to celebrate His victory over sin and death. The day of the week is not the most important issue - but the heart motivation behind that choice is crucial. 

APPLICATION:  Years ago after reading these 2 verses in Isaiah, I made a vow to honor the Sabbath Day.  I decided that I would obey by setting it apart from all the rest.  That first word in Isaiah 58:1 says, "IF".  If I keep my feet from breaking the Sabbath, and show proper respect to God Who also rested on the seventh day, THEN... I will find joy in the Lord.  

Even though we are retired folks, my body knows when it's Sunday.  I have trained myself to purposely set aside the Sabbath to physically rest from the extra duties, chores and regular activities that I do during the week, and when I do, I feel so much more refreshed and rested as I begin the next week.   And besides feeling rested and refreshed, God has promised that if I obey His command to keep the Sabbath Day holy then I will find JOY in the Lord!  

Throughout the years I have strived to obey these verses, and I can honestly say that God has kept His promise to fill me with His supernatural joy! 

PRAYER:  Lord, I am so grateful for the "aha" moment that I had many years ago while reading these verses!  You have commanded us to keep the Sabbath holy, and You have taught us how to do it.  And... the rewards that come from obeying Your commands regarding this area are priceless!  Lord, I thank You that as I claim the Sabbath as Your own, and not pursue my ordinary plans of amusement and pleasures, but call the Sabbath a delight, and live as You have purposed, I will find my joy IN YOU! 

- Robin Orefice


Colossians 2 - 5.3.23


Philippians 4 - 5.1.23