Psalm 59 - 8.26.22


Psalm 59:9-10

You are my strength, I watch for you;
    you, God, are my fortress,
     my God on whom I can rely.


Observation – What does it say?

David writes this Psalm when the king had sent men to his house to kill him. He finds out they are on their way and though he’s alarmed, somewhere in the timeline David breaks away to cry out to God for help and to write this prayer song to God.

He not only asks God to deliver him, but as he often did in times like these, he makes a faith declaration. He speaks out what he knows about God – God provides strength, security, and is a God he can rely on to come through. And then David chooses to allow that knowledge about God’s character to inform how he feels about his situation, how he will think about the situation, and how he will behave in the situation.


Understanding – What does it mean?

Allow what I know about God to determine my response to difficult times.

David said, “I watch for you.” He wasn’t the type to ask God for something and then run off and forget about it. He asked, knowing God would come through and so he watched for the answer to his prayer with faith and expectation.

I realize that what I know about God doesn’t always translate to my actions. I can sometimes cry out to God for help and then walk away wondering how things will turn out. That shows I obviously wasn’t putting much stock in those prayers being answered! Sometimes, though I know God is faithful, still doubt if he’ll come through. Though I know he is good and he always sees me through, I sometimes still get anxious and afraid.


Life Application – What will I do about it?

God, have mercy on me! Please forgive me for the times that I’ve allowed my circumstances to determine my feelings and thoughts, instead of you. You have come through for me again, and again, and again. I’ve faced countless challenges and you have never failed me. You have nothing left to prove. I know you’re faithful. I know you’re with me. I know you’re for me. Please help me to allow that knowledge to translate to walking in greater peace, trusting you even when situations seem impossible, watching with faith and expectation for you to answer prayer, and obeying you quickly and without hesitation. In Jesus’ name, amen.

-       Levi Thompson


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